Saturday, January 23, 2010

Does french manicure look better when done with liquid paper or nail polish?

when u do a french manicure on yourself do u prefer or looks better liquid paper or nail polish?Does french manicure look better when done with liquid paper or nail polish?
Liquid paper is not intended to be a nail polish, and when it gets scratched, it looks childish and, well, ghetto. So my answer is nail polish.Does french manicure look better when done with liquid paper or nail polish?
well i think probly nail polish because liquied paper smells and nail polish would be even and look great
nail polish last longer then

and liquid paper wouldn't look really good

NAIL POLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh, polish.
nail polish
Ummmmm. Polish
nail polish! liquid paper doesn't go on as smooth. =]
i tried the liquid paper route but it only lasts for a day because some of it gets chipped off during the day and when you shower, it just all falls off. i think nail polish is better. it stays on longer. plus liquid paper just looks tacky.

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