Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How do you remove a stain on airbrush french acrylic nail?

a yellow stain on my new nails, from rubber garden gloves, i dont want to go back to the salon... please helpHow do you remove a stain on airbrush french acrylic nail?
I have french acrylic and I think you will have to go back to the salon and have that nail repainted. The only other option is to just paint over it, a sheer white may still show the yellow so if you have your toes done, paint the same color and match, if not just go with something light and pretty. I have several shades of tan and pink, very light and neutral, I use to freshen up that second week if the french starts to look rough.How do you remove a stain on airbrush french acrylic nail?
Have you tried taking a Q-tip and dipping it in non-acetone nail polish remover?? After doing it rinse the area off with water so that it doesn't remove the paint.

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