Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What are the OPI french manicure nail polish colors?

i want to get french manicure colors from OPI but dont know what colors they are. i would like a pure, bright white white for the tips and a clearish pale, sort of nude shade of light pink for the whole nail. does OPI have a french manicure set, and if they do or dont, give the color names and where i can buy them.

thanks!!!What are the OPI french manicure nail polish colors?
Ummm... i have the white french manicure OPI set and its just a regular white but lasts long and good to apply, there american.. try from a american store maybe ';wallgreens'; i got mine in a mall in amaerica but try ORLY its just the same and i think they have a website and they come from champneys the spar.
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